About MTR Malls Mobile ApplicationWhile railway developments mark a new epoch in history, MTR Malls’ network expands its coverage throughout Hong Kong, establishing its footprints in both prime residential and commercial areas, such as ELEMENTS at Kowloon Station, Telford Plaza in Kowloon Bay, Maritime Square in Tsing Yi, PopCorn in Tseung Kwan O, Paradise Mall in Island East and more. Empowered with the biggest-ever network, MTR Malls will continue to do its utmost to impress shoppers with spectacular surprises.MTR Malls Mobile Application Features Highlight:-1) Smart Shopping Platform – a wide array of rewards are available for redemption2) Latest Highlight – features the latest mall promotion3) Directory 4) “Step Counting Game” in Smart Fit Paradise is a Fitness tracker system. Targets will be set for the users to achieve. Based on the reading of user’s step counts in Apple Health, user are entitle to difference encouragement. The purpose for the game set is to encourage healthy lifestyles by maintaining regular physical activities.
隨著鐵路發展進入新紀元,港鐵商場的網絡更伸展至全港九新界,分佈全港多個重要商住地區,包括九龍站的ELEMENTS圓方、九龍灣的德福廣場、青衣的青衣城、將軍澳的PopCorn、港島東的杏花新城等。港鐵商場的至強陣營將發揮終極協同效應,繼續綻放驚喜。港鐵商場流動應用程式內容簡介:-1) Smart Shopping 專區 – 換領各項精選禮遇2) 最新資訊 – 介紹商場最新推廣活動 3) 購物指南 4)「多行獎賞」的計步遊戲設置在Smart Fit Paradise 程式內,透過紀錄於Apple Health的步數來源作為計算用戶已達成的健康目標,目的是要以推動鼓勵用戶多做運動,保持强健體魄,建立「勁、型、自在,漫活人生」的正面生活。